Carrying out a brand project for an organization of worldwide importance and recognition, such as the Panama Canal, is a challenge for any branding company, given its relevance and impact inside and outside the organization.
Phocus Brand and Innovation, our ally and representative in Panama, was responsible for carrying out a rigorous investigation, with all the stakeholders of the brand, interweaving the results of the study with the business strategy, to develop a DNA (positioning) that would enhance the brand. organization and serve as a guide to achieve the strategic and tactical objectives of the brand.
Once the personality of the brand had been developed, the creative and design team of Unlimited Brand worked on the visual identity, first of all, they focused on updating the design of the logo of The Panama Canal, improving the construction and proportions of the symbol, also carrying out a typographical update that would give it more strength, solidity and raise the level of the brand through the verbal message. The symbol of the brand logo contains a series of literal and suggested messages that are identified with The Channel, with its essence, operation and characteristics, so it was not necessary to carry out a conceptual variation of it, as this is a recognized element. already by the public and with which the members of the organization feel very identified.
The most important work of this design project focused on the creation of a visual ecosystem to complete the entire identity. A world where the DNA of the brand could be enhanced through visual communication, fonts, color palette, complementary graphics, illustrative and photographic style.
The brand's complementary graphics are born from the logo's own symbol, from the isotype of the imagotype. From the two blue and red stars, a series of modules are extracted, sections of the symbol, which offer a wide variety of settings that allow the application of images, illustrations, iconography, logos of the organization's sub-brands and written messages, harmoniously combining a representative identity emphasizing the face of the organization: its logo. It is through these “windows” where the spectacular quality of the photographs taken by the Panama Canal team can be appreciated; images that show the impressiveness of this interoceanic navigation route of the highest level of engineering, which connects the Caribbean Sea with the Pacific Ocean, boosting global commercial and economic exchange and decisively influencing world trade patterns.

Es en estas secciones, o ventanas, de sólida y dinámica construcción de la gráfica complementaria, donde podemos apreciar el mundo de El Canal de Panamá, sus operaciones, la belleza de todo el entorno natural que lo envuelve y el trabajo de los profesionales del más alto nivel. Gente excelente, que día a día le da vida a la marca y la proyecta hacia el futuro.
En el manual de marca, se norman todas las comunicaciones que requiere una organización en la que laboran más de 10 mil trabajadores. Lineamientos que van desde una simple, pero esencial tarjeta de presentación, hasta las normativas de cada unidad de negocios; pasando por la comunicación publicitaria, sitio web, manejo digital y aplicación en todo tipo de vehículos,entre muchos otros elementos donde se aplica el ecosistema visual.
En las siguientes imágenes podemos ver una selección de publicaciones, como muestra de cómose aplica el ecosistema visual en el mercadeo digital, en su comunicación en Instagram, donde,en una normativa especialmente creada para este fin, se estableció un ritmo para las publicaciones, donde se hacen variantes que manejan distintos niveles de presencia de los elementos de este ecosistema visual distintivo, para lograr un estilo dinámico, amplio y flexible.
