In this section, we show part of the Branding development that is the new identity of the RS brand since 2017. It is the result of a rigorous process of brand creation and expression, the targeting of objectives and important trends in the world of fashion and sports.
We build the DNA of the brand (positioning), its brand promise, we defined its target group, its segmentation and we structured its brand architecture. We designed its verbal and visual identity- logos and visual ecosystem - we created a comprehensive brand manual, in addition to the creativity for its launch campaign, the audiovisual production of commercials for TV and social networks, as well as, handling the digital marketing for its two sub-brands: RS Performance and RS Life Style.
Within the RS brand architecture, the segmentation of its two product sub-brands stands out: RS Performance as a specialist in multisport and RS Life Style, the brand focused on design, fashion and lifestyle, clearly separating the characteristics, use and cost of its products for the consumer.
The visual identity of the brand is integrated through a unique symbol, a strong, avant-garde icon, aerial, balanced and fast, which connects and gives coherence to all the brands and sub-brands, with a verbal, typographical modifier that describes clearly to the target audience and what each of these sub-brands offers for them.
The use of color is used as a resource to enhance the message, attributes and distinction between them. Gray and white is used for the corporate brand, CSR and for the stores, due to its sober, solid, reliable, impartial and neutral character. It is the stable base from which everything new, spacious and positive can emerge.
Black and White is the selection for RS Performance. It is the sign of professionalism, quality and the high level of the brand. Finally, orange and white as the preferred color for RS Life Style because it symbolizes energy, joy, enthusiasm for life and fun; although it is a logo system (active logo) that changes in an orderly manner, allowing the use of any color to connect with the target group that each product seeks to satisfy. This in combination with a typographical variation for the initials RS in each version of this logo.

RS Performance is the sports brand of footwear, textiles, bags and accessories that develops specific products for each sports discipline. It provides you with the tools to be invincible in your sports practice because it designs its products with specialized materials, innovative finishes and assembled with state-of-the-art equipment.
It uses state-of-the-art technology in its products, which makes it an advanced brand that offers functional attributes such as lighter, ergonomic, practical, comfortable and resistant products for practicing sports. RS Performance has no restrictions; It makes you feel free to achieve what you set out to do.

For the launch of the new RS Performance identity, we created a campaign that enhances the attributes of the brand, the human body, its wonders and how RS enhances sports performance.
RS Performance's target audience loves sport. They are people who consider that being in shape and taking care of the body is the most important thing. Likewise, it gives value to the perfection of the body as that unique creation that must be cared for and maintained. Informing and reminding them of these characteristics with scientific data and in a clear manner but through a basically emotional text is, undoubtedly, memorable and differentiating within the category in Venezuela. We bet on that - that the target feels empathy with the way of talking about the brand.
Prior to the launch of two audiovisual pieces: "Her and Him", we carried out an intriguing campaign (teaser campaign) for the public that most enjoys content on social networks, seeking to create expectation and attract attention with the new identity.
Creativo | Armando Cárdenas
Director | José Ramón Salgado
Director | Alex Salazar
Director de Fotografía | Antonio García
Asistente de dirección | Daniella Ferreira
Jefe de Producción | Karill Ávila
Productor de Campo | Daniel Leal
Asistente de producción | Jhonayker Rodriguez
Asistente de producción | Yolanda Sánchez
Asistente de producción | Freddy Correa
Dirección de arte | Rosa Helena Arcaya
Ambientador | Xhimena Herrera
Transporte Talento | Anjuber Marrero
Transporte arte | Carlos Bolivar
Utilero | Erick Ceballos
Vestuario | Marianela Ríos
Asistente de vestuario | Giselle Parra
Maquillaje | Frank Puente
Gaffer | Jairo Vargas
Eléctrico 1 | Ramón Vargas
Eléctrico 2 | Gilberto García
Eléctrico 3 | Carlos Daal
Foquista | Jean Garcia
2do. De cámara | Carlos Vásquez
Video Asist | Victoria Tellerias
Media manager | Diego Rojas
Jefe de Máquina | Jesús Nieves
Asistente de Maquina | Denis Nieves
Camión de Luces | Francisco Graterol
Vans de Cámara | Jaimes Muñoz
Plantero | Armando Serrano
Transporte de Máquina | Hely Salas
Seguridad | Héctor Pérez
Seguridad | Oscar Casadiego
Coordinación de extras | Jessica León
Foto fija | Román Buminov
Foto fija | Daniel Hernández
Transporte de catering | Raúl Chirinos
Dirección de post producción | José Ramón Salgado
Edición y post producción | Alex Salazar
Animación y efectos | Nestor Martínez
Locutor | Rafael Hernández
Mezcla y post producción de audio | Audio Place
Músico| Jean Sánchez
Principal | Daniela Martin
Principal | Gian Marco
Extra | Carlos Farias
Extra | Aurora Escala
Extra | Carlos Marcano
Extra | Gabriela Rojas
Extra | Fernando Mejias
Extra | Mariana de la Cadena
Extra | Jesus Leopoldo
Extra | Cristy Baquero
Extra | Freddy Hernández
Extra | Ivana Valsint
Extra | Alexander Duque
Extra | Oriana Gonzalez
Extra | Deymer Pacheco
Extra | Sandy Alvarado
Extra | Richard Chacón

RS Life Style is the fashion brand for footwear, bags, textiles and accessories, which creates its collections taking into account each of the personalities and lifestyles of its user groups, seeking to connect with them, through a high quality offer. variety, for every style and for every occasion.
It offers a wide variety of items to satisfy every taste, with the full range to cover all styles, designing coordinated products to achieve a totally trendy look whose pieces complement each other and promoting comfort in all its products, which are developed to provide greater freedom and comfort in daily life.
The logo of the RS Life Style sub-brand is a logo system (active logo), which adapts in an orderly and systematic way, preserving its integrity, but creatively varying its colors and typography to connect with the different types of people that the brand seeks to captivate through its products, thus creating a valuable emotional identification.